Marlena Cannon

PNWPGA Tournament Promo 2015

I created this movie using iMovie – using photos provided by the PNWPGA and the respective golf courses featured – to promote the 2015 tournament season in the Pacific Northwest Section PGA. Creative commons music is “My Future” by Artifical.Music.

PNWPGA Champions 2014

I created this movie using iMovie – cleaning up some clips in Adobe Premiere Pro first – to celebrate the champions of the 2014 tournament season in the Pacific Northwest Section PGA. Creative commons music is “Sunset and Guitar” by polyXploit ft. Astero.

UX Design: My Cambrian Aquarium


My Cambrian Aquarium is an educational website about the Cambrian period of Earth’s history. It is my master’s thesis project. The project includes an interactive timeline and virtual aquarium game. I designed the entire user experience, from conducting research to diagramming use case scenarios and information architecture, to user testing and analysis. Read more about my thesis project.


Proof of Concept: Game

User Scenarios

Information Architecture